Day 59 – Another Lazy Day at the Beach!

February 28, 2011

This is day 3 at the beach….and our car hasn’t moved from its parking spot since we arrived on Saturday afternoon. Tony and I have enjoyed doing just as little as possible!  Today we went up to the rooftop deck again and barbequed filet mignon steaks for lunch. Here is Tony relaxing in the chair watching Fox News while I was tending to the steaks.

Here is my lunch plate….I cooked baked potatoes to go with the steak…I cooked those in the microwave oven. I used some of the pimento cheese dip I bought for crackers in my potato…and a little bit of Cesar salad dressing.  I forgot to bring butter. Tony finished off the baked beans we had left over from lunch yesterday….and I made a salad for myself.

Tony and I went down midafternoon to the beach to fly kites!

Tony and I will probably walk down the street again tonight and have clam chowder for dinner.  I don’t think I’ve had my fill of it yet!

Day 58 – Happy Birthday to Tony!

February 27, 2011

Today is Tony’s birthday and we are just kicking back and enjoying doing next to nothing!  We got up around 10:30 am….and Tony jumped onto the Internet to write our Congressman Devin Nunes about President Obama’s decision not to have the Justice Department enforce the DOMA Act.  We find it very SCARY when a President decides to pick and choose WHICH laws to enforce….no matter what side of the fence you are on, you should find this troubling.  His job is to follow the constitution and enforce the laws that have already been enacted….not decide on his own if he thinks something is constitutional or not.  Newt Gingrich had it right when he used the example of how would the left feel if a President Palin thought that abortion was an unconstitutional act…and she decided on her own to disallow all future abortions.  The left would be calling for impeachment in a situation like that.  The president approached this all wrong.  If he felt it was unconstituional…he should have gone through Congress….and the courts….the proper way!!

On a happier note….after that…we went up to the deck on top of our hotel….and barbequed hamburgers for lunch.  The day had cleared up from the day before when there were storm clouds and intermittent showers.  I didn’t see a cloud in the very blue sky today!  There was a stong and steady ocean breeze with a nip in it….but boy, oh boy, does it ever feel and smell so good.  I love being at the ocean!  Here’s a self-taken photo of the two of us on one of the couches.

This is Tony just getting through checking the burgers on the grill.  What a view of the ocean from the deck!

Me…..just sitting on the brass bed/couch enjoying the sunny afternoon….

And here is Tony relaxing on the same brass/bed couch….bundled up to keep warm.

The following photos I took yesterday afternoon…the rooftop deck as several partitioned sections where people can relax and read a book, lay in a hammock, or just sit and enjoy the afternoon/evening in a very relaxed atmosphere.  There are also a couple tables where you can eat on the deck too.

One of the partitioned sections…..there is actually a TV in the cabinet to the right behind the chair.

Day 57 – Off To The Beach!

February 26, 2011

Yay….vacation has arrived!  We’re just about ready to head out the door to the beach for 4 days/3 nights.  Can’t wait to walk on the beach at sunset!  Hopefully we have an internet connection…I didn’t even check that!  Later!

We do have wifi internet right in our room.  Our room is awesome too…we have a jacuzzi AND a fireplace in it.


We went for a nice walk on the pier and Tony fed the seagulls.

Day 56 – My Needy Kitty Two Socks!

February 25, 2011

This is Two Socks…my very needy kitty.  This is him….trying to be right in the middle of my lap while I’m trying to use my laptop computer in my recliner.  He jumps up….I push him down…and we go through this ritual EVERY day….several times.  I just don’t “get” why he doesn’t realize that he can’t be in my lap when I have the laptop sitting across the arms of the recliner.

Oh…on another note…Tony and I took the recycling to the recycle center today….we ususally go about 4 times a year.  We collect soda/juice/water bottles….aluminum cans, and glass.  Today I was told by the guy at the center that they have coupons in the Monday papers of  the Fresno Bee…or you can print them from their website.  The coupons give you more $ per pound.  What we took in today would have been $44.46 before the guy applied the coupon discount(he gave me the coupon price) and it turned into $52.17 after the coupon price.  That’s a tank of gas for our trip this weekend!

Day 55 – Spring Gorgeousness!

February 24, 2011

I went out into the backyard to take a photograph of a birthday card I made for Tony’s birthday this Sunday…and was pleasantly surprised to see my daffodils in bloom.  I totally missed seeing them last year….the blooms don’t last very long and I had been disappointed that I missed them.  It’s a nice reminder that spring is almost here! Click on each picture to enlarge.

Here is the card I made for Tony.  I made the flowers by hand….and used old buttons that my mom used to save off of old coats and clothing.  Yay mom….one of the 1st recyclers! lol

Day 54 – Sort, Organize, Toss

February 23, 2011

I went to help Chrissie sort and organize her photographs today.  She has a lot of albums that are just sitting in boxes in her garage.  We went through only about 5 or 6 albums….I came home with some of them!  She is organizing them into photo boxes…much smaller boxes that she can use as a filing system.

Here is a picture of her high school graduation from Hong Kong International School…see her sweatshirt….with the H.K.I.S?  Funny that the albums we went through today included pictures of her graduation from H.K.I.S. and she was wearing the school emblem on her sweatshirt!

In the picture below….one of the teachers from the high school picked Chrissie up after the ceremony!  Too funny!

Day 53 – Lesson 2 WIP

February 22, 2011

This is a work in progress…it’s almost finished though.

Day 52 – President’s Day!

February 21, 2011

Got up early today because I had a 9a.m. doctor appointment.  It was really a recheck of a bump I have…and to talk to my doctor about my hip surgery.  My bump has really decreased in size….the doctor says its fine and doesn’t need to be cut out.  Its probably just an ingrown hair or a blocked duct and nothing to worry about.  I asked her about my big toe and asked for a referral to the podiatrist.  I have a sore toe around the nail and it has a little piece of skin or something that is growing out the side under the nail.  The doctor said the podiatrist would be able to fix that by cutting the nail back a bit.  My hip surgeon said I need to get any thing done, like dental cleanings…fillings….ingrown toenails, etc. taken care of before I have the hip surgery…so I’m getting it all done.  I hope the podiatrist will call me in the morning…since today was a holiday….I’m assuming that he/she wasn’t open today. 

I also took Bob to the doctor today; he has a little cold….and he had watery eyes…and sounds like his nose is stuffed up.  The vet gave me antibiotics to give to Bob twice a day.

Then I went to the nail place to have my nails done on both my hands and feet….ah….I love the spa pedicure!  It’s so relaxing sitting there in the massage chair.  Spent the rest of the day relaxing!  Yay for holidays!

Day 51 – We Sprung a Leak!

February 20, 2011

We sprung a leak in one of the tubes in our waterbed!  I found a place locally where I could buy just one tube and not have to buy the whole set of 8 tubes.  Tony and I drained all the tubes and put fresh water in them and one of the pills that keeps the water from getting icky.  Now we’re good to go! lol

Day 50 – Craft Club 2

February 19, 2011

Today we had our second meeting for our craft club.  I was the hostess and we made etched glass frames.  There were about 10 of us altogether so the size of the group was perfect….we all fit at one long table I set up in the middle of my living room. 

Day 49 – Setting Up For a Craft Afternoon

February 18, 2011

Tomorrow a group of ladies are coming over for a craft afternoon.  Our project is glass etched frames.  Today I’ve been getting the table set up….and the supplies laid out.  Everyone is bringing an horderve to share and I am providing drinks.  Should be a fun afternoon!

Day 48 – Dentist Today!

February 17, 2011

I have a dentist appointment today for a cleaning….will try to post before I go to work.

Day 47 – Lesson 4 LO

February 16, 2011

This LO was fun to create.  We used a technique called half tone….which is a printing technique.  It’s the green dots that go down in size.  I also used it on the butterfly.  I could see this on a phrase or bit of text.  I think that would look pretty neat.  I’ll have to try that!  This was Preston on his birthday with WAY too much sugar in his body! lol  His mouth is full of chocolate in case you think he had really BAD teeth! lol  And I couldn’t get the two boys, Ben and Preston to take ONE good picture…they were being SO silly!  One of both of them had a funny face, or a tongue sticking out! lol  Click on the photo to enlarge it.

I did it!  I created the word halftone, below, using the halftone filter in PS.

Day 46 – Digi In Deeper, Lesson 4

February 15, 2011

I’ve been working on Lesson 4 today in my Digi In Deeper class…we were stuck on a problem….So I don’t have anything ready to post right now. Will post a picture later.

Day 45 – Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2011

I started my day today with Tony and I going to the orthopedic surgeon for my left hip.  He took new x-rays…and there is definitely a problem…more so with my left hip.  The round ball that fits into the joint is no longer round…it’s flattened on the inside part…and is near bone on bone. The doctor said that he would not do arthriscopic surgery like I had on my knee….which is what I was hoping for…since I definitely have arthritis in both hips….but the left is MUCH worse than the right.  He suggested a hip replacement…which at this point…with the pain I have with it every time I get out of a sitting position…I have come to the conclusion that I would rather have the hip replacement than endure the constant pain.  So I am going to check with my work about going on disability/FMLA, etc….and see the dentist(the doctor suggested getting any dental work done before any hip surgery….to reduce the chance of infection).  I just made my dental appointment for this Thursday.  Tony and I will be going on vacation starting on the 26th for a few days at the beach…then I’m taking the rest of the week off and get some things done around the house.  If the weather is nice…I want to start refinishing the crib I have for Chrissie during those last few days of vacation.  Then I will make another appointment to see the doctor and schedule the surgery.  He said the surgery can be scheduled for 2-4 wks after I notify him….and so I think I’m shooting for sometime around the end of March.  This will give me plenty of time to recover and get the physical therapy I will need before my two grandbabies arrive this summer.  Man it’s hell growing old!

For Valentine’s Day, I made Tony two framed pictures, one of each of us….and I etched our names into the front bottom part of the glass.  The mat that surrounds the picture is very bumpy with a patterned texture, so it’s kind of hard to see the glass etching unless you look at it from the side where the light shines off of them.  But that’s ok….I like how they turned out anyway.  I want to start a wall of pictures of our families…and these two are a nice start to that.  My walls are yellow…and I have black curtain rods in the living room….so I am using picture frames in black….for starters….and if I find some in black wrought iron to mix in….I think that would look nice too.

I am not really happy with the picture of me in the photo above….hopefully I can take a nice photo on our vacation at the beach and replace it later.