Day 11 – Fixing HTML!

January 11, 2011

I am not all that familiar with HTML….it’s been a long time since I had any hands on experience with HTML when I was in school at Heald College.  So today on the blog I created for my 4 friends…Sue pointed out that the divider was really close to the comments/label section…and it was hard to read.  I had really thought that too, but glad Sue put it down in words because it encouraged me to FIX it!  Luckily….I found someone had posted in the forum at in the classroom Blog Design Basics….that very same problem.  The 2nd comment by Ally had the fix…she just couldn’t locate the code in the HTML.  So I searched…found the line of code….changed the spacing and had my fix in about 5 minutes after starting my search to fix this!  YAY….I edited HTML code!  lol  I’m so easy to please! lol