Day 19 – Massachusetts Election

January 19, 2010

I’m hoping that the people of Massachusetts vote for Scott Brown for Senate today.  We need to send a message to Washington that they need to listen to the majority of the people of the US that we are not happy with the way they are playing politics; back room deals like the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase.  The closed door dealings that have taken place is not what Obama promised the American people.  I agree we need some sort of health care reform…like the ability to purchase across state lines…and tort reform…but the Democrats have blocked all attempts by the Republicans to negotiate with them.  The whole purpose of health care reform was to make it more affordable and to cover more people.  The current form of the bill cuts billions from Medicare…a program that will be bankrupt in just a few short years.  Just when I will be eligible for it! lol  Well I could go on forever about this subject….I just hope Massachusetts can elect Scott Brown who will be able to help stop this insanity.